Become your own money hero
Missed this season of Geldhelde? Watch our Momentum gurus in a 9-part instalment of Money Heroes, the web series that empowers and inspires you to move closer to your financial goals.
- Get financial advice and resources from the Momentum Dream to help you on your road to financial well-being.
- Create a #MomentumShift in your relationship with your finances.
- Partner with a financial adviser to put #AdviceForSuccess into action.
Money Heroes: Season 4 episodes
Life insurance & LifeReturns
The Momentum Life Insurance Dream Team share innovative advancements that can help you unlock long-term investment potential and lower your life cover premiums with Momentum Life Returns® personalised premium discount.
Short-term insurance
The Momentum Insure Dream Team share some essential tips to help you avoid the common blindsides when choosing car, home, or business insurance cover. Secure your bag and confidently live life with Momentum Insure.
Financial planning
Get helpful strategies from The Momentum Financial Planning Dream Team to maximise your savings potential and grow your wealth. Connect with a Momentum Financial Planner to put #AdviceForSuccess into action.
Estate planning
Discover different ways you can secure a legacy with advice from The Momentum Trust Dream Team. Take the first steps to secure your legacy by drafting a free and valid Will online with Momentum Trust.
Consult by Momentum
The Consult by Momentum Team share some advice on the importance of saving and investing for your future. Get financial advice to help you choose the right investment type for your financial goals.
Two-pot retirement system
Find out all you need to know about the two-pot retirement system as an employee benefit and the importance of nominating beneficiaries on a retirement fund. Get employee benefits tailored to your business needs.
Choosing a retirement annuity
The Momentum Investments Dream Team discusses how a retirement annuity can supplement your retirement investments. Ensure you save enough money for retirement by investing in a retirement annuity today.
Medical aid
Discover the added benefits of a medical aid savings account and ways to manage their expenses with the right medical aid plan. Find medical cover that suits your needs with Momentum Health.
Become your own money hero
The Dream Team share the importance of financial planning for your short and long-term financial goals. Remember, with the right financial advice, you can start your journey to becoming your own money hero.
Meet the Dream Team
We share more #AdviceForSuccess with a bigger dream team than ever! This season’s Money Heroes features advice from a team of thought leaders, product specialists, and financial advisers in the health, insurance, and investment sectors to help you uncover the financial blind spots holding you back.

Caption (left to right): Funeka Ngewu, Executive Head of Claims & Claims Support at Momentum Insure; Leonie O’Connell, Financial Adviser at Momentum; Brand Pretorius, CEO of Momentum Insure