Momentum Velocity Club
Are you dealing with rising costs, family tax obligations, or mounting debt? Whatever your money worries, don't let them slow down your success.
Whether you're saving for your studies, a dream house, or an upcoming lobola - Momentum Velocity Club has a Money Plan designed just for you, as well as a team of financial experts to get your financial goals back on track.
Adulting can be challenging. Velocity Club's next generation financial planning solutions offers more than financial advice. It puts your Money Plan into action by helping you do the groundwork to achieve your next big thing!
Book a free, no-obligation consultation to get started right away.
Your Money Plan solution
Subscribe for just R199 p/m x 6 months to get expert advice in all financial areas of your life.
- Cash flow management
- Building an emergency fund
- S.M.A.R.T goal setting
- Create a Will
- Estate planning
- Fiduciary and Trust services
- Insurance solutions
- Investments
- Tax planning
- Saving for retirement
- Access to a personal Relationship Consultant
- Portfolio management
- Monthly check-ins
- Access to community events
- Access to exclusive content and research
After 6 months, your Money Plan subscription stops. As a client, you'll get an annual review which may include a new Money Plan depending on your life changes in the past year.
How it works
We take money planning one step further to bring you closer to your financial goals.
Blog and Masterclasses
If financial freedom is your goal, sign up for our FREE masterclasses today or read our blog to see how you can take control of your finances.
This is why we do what we do
We want to see you succeed
We provide financial advice at a price you can afford, giving young professionals access to advice when they need it the most. View our frequently asked questions for more information on how our services can help you. Good financial planning and advice are critical starting points for achieving life's goals. Take the next step on your journey to success by booking a session today.
@Momentum VelocityClub
velocity club by momentum
@momentum velocityclub