Retirement Income Option
Retirement is what a lot of people look forward to, but what do you do when the day finally arrives? You’ve been financially preparing and now is the time to enjoy your retired life. One distinct reality is however that your retirement money must keep growing while it gives you an income.
Managing your income during retirement is part of your journey to success – you can protect a portion of your future income for peace of mind with our unique Guaranteed Annuity Portfolio. We know your needs are unique – whether you plan to relax and spend much time with family, travel or start a new venture.
Minimum investment
A lump sum of R50 000.
Regular income payments.
Potential tax-efficient market growth.
Investment flexibility.
Investment period
For as long as you live if there is money to pay you an income.
If you choose to purchase the Guaranteed Annuity Portfolio, it will pay a regular guaranteed income for as long as you live.
How can the Retirement Income Option help you?
It helps you grow your retirement money while providing a regular income after retirement.
You can choose your own income level within limits and choose from a wide range of investment solutions to suit your needs.
Is it for you?
When is it not for you?