Flexible Tax-free Option
When you save, and invest your savings money regularly and consistently, you can enjoy the lifestyle you want. With a tax-free investment, the money you invest can grow tax-free. You pay no income tax, no tax on dividends, and no capital gains tax. This means that your money can grow faster than many other types of investments where you must pay taxes.
You can use it as part of your overall financial plan to invest towards any long-term goal that is important to you, like boosting your retirement savings so that you have enough money to retire comfortably one day.
Minimum investment
A lump sum of R15 000.
A regular debit order of R500 per month.
Invest up to R36 000 every year tax-free every year. R500 000 in total over your lifetime. You can nominate beneficiaries to get the proceeds when you die.
Investment period
The benefit becomes more meaningful the longer you stay invested.
How can the Flexible Tax-free Option help you?
You can invest for a goal and benefit from not having your investment taxed. If you leave it to grow for as long as possible, you'll benefit from compound growth.
The opportunity to invest tax-free every year almost lends itself to a built-in discipline to save and invest for the long term.
You choose how you would like to invest, and the most suitable investment solutions to achieve your goal.