A futuristic, round, glass and steel office building with an abstract and asymmetric curved roof. A futuristic, round, glass and steel office building with an abstract and asymmetric curved roof.

Retirement investments

What will it be like not to have the certainty of a paycheck or the income from your business every month? And will you be able to maintain your standard of living once that happens?

Benefits of saving money for retirement

Your decision to start saving and investing for your retirement is possibly one of the most important you’ll ever make.

By planning for your retirement today, you can maintain your standard of living in your retirement years. You want to be financially independent when you retire.

It is possible to have enough money to afford the lifestyle you’re used to, and be able to choose how and where you want live.

When should you start saving for retirement?

Now is the best time. Start early, and save every month. Your financial adviser will show you how you can benefit from compound growth if you start saving and investing from the beginning of your career, compared to people who leave it until later.

The habit of putting money away every month will empower you throughout your life's journey.

Retirement planning

Find a financial adviser near you who can look at your circumstances and help you decide how much you need to save, and what the most suitable investment options are.

Set realistic goals.
Craft a plan to achieve them.
Stick to your plan.

Retirement benefit counselling

If you are nearing retirement and you don’t have a financial adviser, retirement benefit counselling can help you.

Need financial advice?

A financial adviser can help you with a financial plan to start your investment journey.

Contact Momentum Investments

0860 546 533

+27 12 675 3000

[email protected]
Business hours are Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00. Closed on weekends and public holidays.
0860 111 899

+27 12 675 3002

[email protected]
Business hours are Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 16:30. Closed on weekends and public holidays.

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