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Smiling elderly man carrying his happy young granddaughter.

Will drafting services

Are you putting off getting your Will in place? Drafting a valid Will has never been easier with Momentum Trust.

We offer a range of Will-drafting services suited to your unique needs.

Draft your Will today and secure your legacy, knowing your loved ones will be cared for.

A laptop showing the Momentum website page where you can draft your free online Will.

Draft your own online Will

Draft your free and valid online Will in 3 easy steps!

  1. Complete a series of questions related to your estate and final wishes.
  2. Once completed, you can download and print your Will.
  3. Get 2 witnesses to sign your Will to make it legally binding.

Depending on the complexity of your estate, the process may take 10 to 15 minutes.

Young woman on her laptop excited to have filed her Will

Get your Will signed, sealed & delivered at PostNet

With Momentum Trust, drafting a Will and keeping it in safe custody has never been easier. Visit your nearest PostNet store to get your Will printed, signed, and couriered to us for safekeeping - all at no cost to you!

A happy young family at home, taking a photo to make lasting memories.

What you'll get with our Will drafting services

Our comprehensive Will drafting services include everything you need to preserve your legacy and ease the burden on your loved ones left behind.

  1. A consultation with a Wills expert.
  2. A professionally drafted Will according to your personal circumstances.
  3. Will collection and safe custody services.
  4. Affordable executor services.
  5. A calculator to help you work out how much money you'll need to wind up your estate.
  6. Benefit options to ensure you have sufficient money to cover any cash shortfalls, estate costs, liabilities, and taxes.

To set up your personalised Will consultation, leave us your details to get a call back or email us at: [email protected]

Find out more about Momentum Trust services

Get answers to our most frequently asked questions related to drafting a Will, estate planning, deceased estate administration and Momentum’s Estate Provider Benefit.

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