I think we, as human species, have proved how advanced and
smart we are in many ways: we have sent people into space,
observed the smallest atoms, cured diseases and invented
pizza. Yet, many people still fall foul of one of the most extreme
idiocies: sexism. There is no justifiable or objective reason
behind the discrimination based on the absence (or presence)
of the Y chromosome, so, in a world of cognitive human beings,
such a thing should not exist at all. Yet it does, and I can’t really
understand why, because gender discrimination is not only terribly
wrong, but also plain stupid
This is too vast a topic, that unfortunately permeates many areas
of societies and people’s lives, so I want to focus on just one
component of it: the workplace and economic discrimination
between males and females. I promise, no sterile critique. Rather,
I’m here to quantify some of the economic consequences of
gender inequality.
To summarise what one part of the problem is, today1 on
average women all over the world tend to earn less than men,
being typically underrepresented in senior positions within
firms and overrepresented in low-paying jobs. Also, women are
underrepresented in national parliaments and local governments,
despite effectively half the world’s population being female. If some
progress has been made in the past 20 years or so to reduce these
and the many more existing inequalities, there is still a long way to
go until full parity.
Regardless of where you live or what gender you identify with,
gender equality is a fundamental human right and promoting it
should need no additional incentivisation. Yet, I promised to be
According to US government data2, boosting female labour
equality could add as much as $1.5 trillion to US GDP each year. In
fact, increasing female labour participation by 15 million people and
closing the wage gap, would add as much as 12% to labour income
that would in turn translate to around a 7% increase in GDP. So,
even taking a few steps in favour of labour force inclusivity and
pay equity would bring substantial advantages for the entire
population. Everyone, men and women, would benefit from gender
According to the World Bank3, the economic cost of gender
inequality has been about $160 trillion for the entire globe. On
average, each one of us is missing out on around £23,620 in
wealth, because of the barriers that women face to fully participate
in the work force and earn as much as men. Currently women
account for only 38% of their country’s human capital wealth,
compared to 62% for men. The largest losses are observed in
larger and more developed economies, such as North America,
Europe, the Pacific and Eastern-Central Asia so I, as a European
worker, am missing out on much more than average!
These two examples of clear, quantifiable consequences of gender
inequality should convince even the more stubborn (and I’m being
nice here) people that promoting equality is not only the very least
one could do as a human being, but is also very advantageous
for everyone, even for those who do not directly suffer from
discrimination. I want to borrow from the United Nations in saying
that “Gender equality it is not only a fundamental human right, but
a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable
1United Nations Sustainable Development Goal n.5;
2US Bureau of Labor Statistics and Goldman Sachs Asset Management, as of January 31st, 2021;
3The World Bank Group, “Unrealized potential: the high cost of gender inequality in earnings”
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