
Specialist investments

Our specialist investments consist of multi-asset-class portfolios aimed at your unique investment needs. Investment mandates are combined to maximise the probability of delivering benchmark-outperforming returns at the lowest possible risk. We do this by combining diversified investment management strategies and styles within each specialist portfolio.

Portfolio range

Target equity

High risk
3 to 5 years

Classic equity

High risk
3 to 5 years

Absolute strategies

Low to medium risk
4 years

Real return

Low risk
3 years

Multiple balance

Medium risk
5 years

Flexible bonds

Extra high risk
5 to 7 years

Listed property

Medium to high risk
5+ years

Money market

Low risk
6-12 months

We are Shari’ah compliant

We uphold the Shari'ah principles and take them into account when constructing specific portfolios in accordance with Shari'ah, the sacred law of the religion of Islam, as well as the regulatory and investment return requirements of a retirement-fund investor.

Rules and regulations

Our portfolios are compliant with Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act.

FSCA logo.

Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA)

We are licensed with the FSCA and comply to the market conduct regulations stipulated by the FSCA.

Asisa logo.

Association for Savings and Investment South Africa (ASISA)

Our governing body, ASISA, provides best practice guidelines to make sure the investor is the focal point of everything we do.

Resource centre

Contact us

Momentum Investments is part of Momentum Metropolitan Life Limited, an authorised financial services (FSP6406) and registered credit provider (NCRCP173), rated B-BBEE Level 1.

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